Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Blog Social networking

One of the ways that social media has positively impacted the world is when it comes to the corporate culture. Social Networking Technology Boosts Job Recruiting talks about how social media making the recruiting process better. Linkedin is a site designated to job recruiting and allows possible candidates to put all their information on a single page for potential recruiters to see. The "dark side" to this is that potentially recruiters will adjust too much to platforms such as Linkedin and the process to scout people will get faster and faster. However, "there is no subsitute for a much older social networking tool: the telephone." I believe that Linkedin will continue to become easier and more accessible to the public and recruiters worldwide.

Obama himself talked about how social media could be used as a platform to help inform the public about particular matters. This article says that "there's every reason to believe that he will use the network not just to campaign, but to govern." As a result, social media has helped out Obama with not only his campaign, but his presidency as well. Informing millions and millions of people with just the click of a button is important in spreading awareness and giving information out. However, the "dark side" of this is that this can be used to sway people who do not know the true story or outcome of a situation. If a person favors the party, they will believe that person instead of what might actually have happened. This will and has evolved into what is currently known as "fake news" amongst the media. People will sway to a certain opinion because it benefits their own and will believe in it even if the news itself is fake.

Social Networking Technology Boosts Job Recruiting

How Obama Tapped Into Social Networks' Power

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