Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds

Virtual Worlds can be used in many different ways. There are many negatives and positives associated with this new idea. I believe that virtual worlds can be used for people who wish to play video games or have different lifestyle choices. There was an episode on Black Mirror that helped me understand how virtual worlds work. Virtual worlds can be helpful and extremely revolutionary for ways that we view leisure whether it be in sports or games. However, they are still another way that people can be controlled everyday. Virtual worlds that come strictly from the mind can be extremely creative. People create their own worlds based on their own ideals or morals and can make up different timelines. It is endless and will keep on growing as the world changes around us in real life as well. I believe that one day we can be put into a virtual world where everything is almost exactly the same as real life. However, it most likely won't exist in our lifetime seeing as how some people still use television and the world of VR is still extremely new. In "I've Been in That Club, Just Not in Real Life", the author talks about how one person was able to recreate their in real life experience using a virtual world. It's almost scary to think that people would rather go into a virtual world where they believe they're safe, rather than tackle their own real life challenges. "Social Influence and the Diffusion of User-Created Content" talks about the positives and negatives of using such a technology. The idea that a virtual world would be created by a single person's mind and their own thoughts can be extremely dangerous if the person is not stable. It would lead to further instability of the mind or the individual themselves.

"I've been in That Club, Just Not in Real Life"

Social Influence and the Diffusion of User-Created Content

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