Tuesday, March 27, 2018

HW Creativity

New Media has changed how companies interact or even communicate with the public and other companies. The whole idea of businesses and how they operate has changed so much. However, because of this change, companies had to be ready and try to monitor themselves and others. In this article, it shows that Twitter had to use a very innovative approach to how their technology works in order to set themselves apart from other technology companies. Twitter has a lot of ways that they can change and take their company in different directions. Twitter is exceptionally good at adapting to what people want of them. At first, they didn't use technology that was very popular to the public. However, they adopted what users found trending and eventually started the hash tags and retweets that made Twitter what it is today. Creativity is important especially nowadays because almost everything has been thought up already. It is extremely hard to find a competitive advantage nowadays.

Twitter Serves Up Ideas From Its Followers

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds

Virtual Worlds can be used in many different ways. There are many negatives and positives associated with this new idea. I believe that virtual worlds can be used for people who wish to play video games or have different lifestyle choices. There was an episode on Black Mirror that helped me understand how virtual worlds work. Virtual worlds can be helpful and extremely revolutionary for ways that we view leisure whether it be in sports or games. However, they are still another way that people can be controlled everyday. Virtual worlds that come strictly from the mind can be extremely creative. People create their own worlds based on their own ideals or morals and can make up different timelines. It is endless and will keep on growing as the world changes around us in real life as well. I believe that one day we can be put into a virtual world where everything is almost exactly the same as real life. However, it most likely won't exist in our lifetime seeing as how some people still use television and the world of VR is still extremely new. In "I've Been in That Club, Just Not in Real Life", the author talks about how one person was able to recreate their in real life experience using a virtual world. It's almost scary to think that people would rather go into a virtual world where they believe they're safe, rather than tackle their own real life challenges. "Social Influence and the Diffusion of User-Created Content" talks about the positives and negatives of using such a technology. The idea that a virtual world would be created by a single person's mind and their own thoughts can be extremely dangerous if the person is not stable. It would lead to further instability of the mind or the individual themselves.

"I've been in That Club, Just Not in Real Life"

Social Influence and the Diffusion of User-Created Content

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Blog about Twitter

I believe Twitter is very different to both a Blackboard discussion and an in-class discussion. For example, a lot of content on Twitter can be very personal and also holds up to that person's image of themselves or what their views are on certain things. For example, there was a Tennis star who had made controversial posts about racism and his views on it which weren't viewed well on the Tennis public. However, because he wasn't a major star at the time, these tweets received no recognition and people generally did not know about them. In 2018, he reached the quarterfinals of a grand slam and his PR team had him delete all these negative tweets since he was no receiving attention from the Tennis world. However, this damage had been done and his name was shamed during his short period of success. Twitter can be more damaging for one's reputation and is definitely not educational for the most part as most tweets relate to someone's opinion of a subject and not facts. A blackboard discussion is mostly used for our assignments and although we can state our own opinions, people do this mainly based off of fact and not things that impact them personally where they would be judged by anyone else than the professor most of the time. An in-class discussion is different as well because it is mostly active participation where people want to share their opinions, but it is on a certain topic provided by the professor of that class.  Students will not talk too personally during these in-class discussions as most courses at Baruch are more quantitative and based on fact rather than opinion of the public.

Blog: Social networking sites

The two other platforms that I decided to visit and use actively are Instagram and Snapchat. I have noticed that Facebook is more family-oriented where people would post pictures more about their families or just their groups of friends. I believe other people would have different impressions of Facebook based on their friends, but this was my experience. On Twitter, I noticed that people mostly talked about their opinions on subject materials whether it be political, medical, technological or even on sports. On Instagram, people liked to focus more on the Aesthetic side and more on themselves. 90% of the media I found on there were selfies or videos of themselves at events like parties or raves. I think Instagram is more a log of someone's life and that is how people perceive it to be. On Snapchat, my favorite of the four platforms, I found that I use this mostly to look at people's everyday lives since most people post on their stories and send me snaps based on something interesting that has happened in their lives. However, one thing that was different was the blatant use of advertisements as the right portion of the application was focused solely on celebrities or tabloids-like news.

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Blog Social networking

One of the ways that social media has positively impacted the world is when it comes to the corporate culture. Social Networking Technology Boosts Job Recruiting talks about how social media making the recruiting process better. Linkedin is a site designated to job recruiting and allows possible candidates to put all their information on a single page for potential recruiters to see. The "dark side" to this is that potentially recruiters will adjust too much to platforms such as Linkedin and the process to scout people will get faster and faster. However, "there is no subsitute for a much older social networking tool: the telephone." I believe that Linkedin will continue to become easier and more accessible to the public and recruiters worldwide.

Obama himself talked about how social media could be used as a platform to help inform the public about particular matters. This article says that "there's every reason to believe that he will use the network not just to campaign, but to govern." As a result, social media has helped out Obama with not only his campaign, but his presidency as well. Informing millions and millions of people with just the click of a button is important in spreading awareness and giving information out. However, the "dark side" of this is that this can be used to sway people who do not know the true story or outcome of a situation. If a person favors the party, they will believe that person instead of what might actually have happened. This will and has evolved into what is currently known as "fake news" amongst the media. People will sway to a certain opinion because it benefits their own and will believe in it even if the news itself is fake.

Social Networking Technology Boosts Job Recruiting

How Obama Tapped Into Social Networks' Power